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to drive into

  • 1 drive

    [draɪv] past tense drove [drouv]: past participle driven [ˈdrɪvn]
    1. verb

    Do you want to drive (the car), or shall I?

    2) to take, bring etc in a car:

    My mother is driving me to the airport.

    يَنْقُلُ، يوصِلُ بالسَّيّارَه
    3) to force or urge along:

    Two men and a dog were driving a herd of cattle across the road.

    4) to hit hard:

    He drove a golf-ball from the tee.

    يَضْرِبُ، يقْذِفُ
    5) to cause to work by providing the necessary power:

    This mill is driven by water.

    2. noun
    1) a journey in a car, especially for pleasure:

    We decided to go for a drive.

    جَوْلَه في سَيّارَه

    The drive is lined with trees.

    طَريق/مَمر خصوصي مِن البَوّابه إالى البَيت
    3) energy and enthusiasm:

    I think he has the drive needed for this job.

    حَيَوِيَّه، حَماس، حافِز
    4) a special effort:

    We're having a drive to save electricity.

    جُهْد خاص
    5) in sport, a hard stroke (with a golf-club, a cricket bat etc).
    قَذْفَه، ضَرْبَه قَوِيَّه
    6) ( computers) a disk drive.
    سَوّاقَةُ الأقْراص في الكومبيوتر

    Arabic-English dictionary > drive

  • 2 drive, (drove, driven)

    قَذَفَ \ belch: (of a chimney, etc.) to send out (smoke, flames) with great force. chuck: to throw. drive, (drove, driven): to strike (a ball, a nail, etc.) with force: I drove a nail into the door. emit: to send out (heat, light, smell, sound, etc.). hurl: throw violently. pitch: to throw with a sudden sharp movement: My horse pitched me off its back. project: to throw (a beam of light, a shadow, a modern weapon into space, etc.). slander: to say sth. slanderous about sb.. throw, (threw, thrown): to send through the air, by the force of one’s hand: She threw a ball. toss: to throw with a sharp movement: He tossed the ball over the fence. My horse tossed me into the stream. \ See Also رمى (رَمَى)، طرح (طَرَحَ)، ذم (ذَمَّ)‏

    Arabic-English glossary > drive, (drove, driven)

  • 3 drive (drove, driven)

    شَغَّلَ \ drive (drove, driven): (of any kind of power) to make a machine work: This engine is driven by electricity. employ: give work to: My firm employs 300 men. engage: to give a job to: The school has engaged two new teachers. operate: to work (a machine); put (a plan) into action. put: used in various special ways with a noun that is related to a verb: Put the machine into use (use it). start: to set sth. going: I can’t start my car. work: to make (sth.) do what it is meant to do: How do you work this tin opener?.

    Arabic-English glossary > drive (drove, driven)

  • 4 drive off

    He got into a van and drove off.

    يَنْطَلِقُ بالسَّيّارَه
    2) to keep away:

    to drive off flies.

    يُبْعِدُ، يَطْرُدُ
    3) in golf, to make the first stroke from the tee.
    يَقْذِفُ الضَّرْبَةَ الأولى في الغولْف

    Arabic-English dictionary > drive off

  • 5 drive (drove, driven)

    دَقَّ \ beat (beat, beaten): to hit many times: The rain was beating on the roof. drive (drove, driven): to strike a nail with force: I drove a nail into the door. hammer: to knock hard; use a hammer: The policeman hammered on the door. I hammered the nails in. pound: to strike (with) heavy blows with the hand: He pounded on the door. ring: (of a bell) to sound; to sound like bell, or by using a bell: The telephone rang. \ See Also رن (رَنّ)، أدخل (أدْخَلَ)، طَرَقَ بِعُنْف

    Arabic-English glossary > drive (drove, driven)

  • 6 أثبت

    أثْبَتَ (في): أَدْخَلَ، ثَبّتَ
    to put into, insert into, introduce into, drive into, thrust into, infix into, implant into; to fasten, fix

    Arabic-English new dictionary > أثبت

  • 7 غرز

    غَرَزَ، غَرّزَ الشّيْءَ في: أدْخَلَهُ
    to stick into, insert into, drive into, thrust into, plunge into, stab into; to (im)plant in, (in)fix in, embed in

    Arabic-English new dictionary > غرز

  • 8 غرز الشيء في

    غَرَزَ، غَرّزَ الشّيْءَ في: أدْخَلَهُ
    to stick into, insert into, drive into, thrust into, plunge into, stab into; to (im)plant in, (in)fix in, embed in

    Arabic-English new dictionary > غرز الشيء في

  • 9 حاش

    حاشَ (الصّيْدَ)

    Arabic-English new dictionary > حاش

  • 10 رحلة

    رِحْلَة \ expedition: a journey for a special purpose: a scientific expedition to South America. journey: an act of travelling; a long walk or ride or drive: I have a tiring journey to my office every day. tour: a round journey (usu. for pleasure) with visits to various places: a tour of the castle; a tour of Scotland. travel: travelling: He wrote a book about his travels in Africa. trip: a journey: a trip round the world. \ رِحْلَة \ drive: a journey in a car, etc.: Let’s go for a drive along the coast. \ See Also نُزْهَة بالعَرَبة \ رِحْلَة (على مَتْنِ فَرَسٍ أو في مَرْكَبَة)‏ \ ride: a journey on an animal or bicycle, or in or on any vehicle (but use drive for a car journey): We enjoyed the bus ride into town. \ See Also جَوْلة قَصِيرة \ رِحْلَة بَحْرِيَّة \ voyage: usu. long journey by sea. \ رِحْلَة جَوّيّة \ flight: flying (of an aeroplane or bird): The next flight to Edinburgh will leave at 2.00. \ رِحْلَة على الأقدام أو بِعَرَبة ثِيران \ trek: trekking. \ رِحْلَة في مَركَبٍ شِراعيّ \ sail: a journey that is made for pleasure, in a sailing boat: Let’s go for a sail round the island. \ رِحْلَة قَصِيرة \ errand: a short journey for the purpose of taking or getting sth.: She sent the boy on an errand to the market. He often ran errands (or went on errands) for his mother. excursion: a short journey, made for pleasure. \ رِحْلَة قَصِيرةٌ للنُّزهة \ picnic: an informal meal, eaten in the open air, esp. on a journey. \ رِحْلَة قَنْصٍ (أو لِتَصْوير حَيَوانات بَرِّيَّة)‏ \ safari: a journey for the purpose of hunting or photographing wild creatures.

    Arabic-English dictionary > رحلة

  • 11 دفع

    دَفَعَ \ bundle: to send away in a hurry: She bundled him down the stairs. drive (drove, driven): to cause (sb. or sth.) to move in a certain direction: We drove the sheep to market, to cause, sb. to be or do sth. The noise almost drove me mad. Hunger drove them to eat rats. pay: to give money for sth.: Whom should I pay for these goods? Pay the man at the door. How much must I pay? You must pay $4. You must pay that man $4. If you can’t pay now, come back later. prompt: to cause; urge: What prompted you to become a doctor? A quiet child won’t ask questions unless you prompt him. propel: to force (esp. a vehicle) forward. push: (the opposite of pull) to press forward: I pushed my bicycle up the hill. shove: to push. \ See Also سَاقَ \ دَفَعَ \ pay in, pay out: to hand money in or out: You can pay money in at the bank, and they will pay it out when you need it. \ See Also صرف (صَرَفَ)‏ \ دَفَعَ أَجْرًا \ pay: to give regular money to an employed person: What do you pay your clerk? I pay him $80 a week. \ دَفَعَ إِكْرامِيَّة \ tip: to give a tip to: Did you tip the boy who brought you a newspaper? Yes, I tipped him 10 pence. \ دَفَعَ إلى السأم \ tire: to cause (sb.) to tire: The small print tired his eyes. I’m tired of paying your debts. \ دَفَعَ بِرِفْقٍ \ jog: to push or knock slightly: He jogged my arm, and my drink fell on the floor. \ دَفَعَ بسُرعَة \ hustle: to hurry (sb.) forcefully; to push: He hustled his family into the train. \ دَفَعَ بعَجَلةٍ \ rush: to urge (or cause) sb. to act too hastily: My wife rushed me into buying this house. \ See Also بِعُنْف \ دَفَعَ بِعُنْف \ thrust: to push suddenly and forcefully: He thrust a letter into my hand. \ دَفَعَ بالمِنْكَب \ jostle: to push roughly, among a crowd. \ دَفَعَ تَعْويضًا عن \ compensate: to make a suitable payment for some loss or bad effect: Many companies compensate their workers if they are hurt at work. \ دَفَعَ ثَمَنَ غَلْطَةٍ أو إهْمَال \ pay for: to suffer for (a foolish act): If you don’t oil that machine properly, you’ll pay for it later. \ دَفَعَ ثَمَنًا أو مُقابِلاً لِـ \ give: to pay; hand over (sth.) in return for sth. else: How much did you give for that watch? She gave her life for her children’s safety when the house was on fire. \ دَفَعَ شيئًا على عَجَلات \ wheel: to push (sth.) on wheels: He wheeled his bicycle into the hut. \ دَفَعَ مُقَدَّمًا \ advance: to pay money before it is earned; bring forward to an earlier date or time: My new employer advanced me $50 to buy a bicycle.

    Arabic-English dictionary > دفع

  • 12 قذف

    قَذَفَ \ belch: (of a chimney, etc.) to send out (smoke, flames) with great force. chuck: to throw. drive, (drove, driven): to strike (a ball, a nail, etc.) with force: I drove a nail into the door. emit: to send out (heat, light, smell, sound, etc.). hurl: throw violently. pitch: to throw with a sudden sharp movement: My horse pitched me off its back. project: to throw (a beam of light, a shadow, a modern weapon into space, etc.). slander: to say sth. slanderous about sb.. throw, (threw, thrown): to send through the air, by the force of one’s hand: She threw a ball. toss: to throw with a sharp movement: He tossed the ball over the fence. My horse tossed me into the stream. \ See Also رمى (رَمَى)، طرح (طَرَحَ)، ذم (ذَمَّ)‏ \ قَذَفَ \ fling ([b]flung)[/b]: to throw violently or carelessly: Don’t fling stones at the window. \ See Also رَمَى بِقُوَّة \ قَذَفَ (أو الجُلَّة)‏ \ put the weight, put the shot: in sport, to throw a heavy iron ball for a measured distance. \ See Also رَمَى الكُرة الحديديّة \ قَذَفَ بقُوَّة \ sling: to throw carelessly but violently: The boys were slinging stones. \ قَذَفَ الكرة نحْوَ الهَدَف \ shoot: (in football, etc.) to aim at the goal; send the ball into (a goal): First I shot and missed; the next time I shot a goal.

    Arabic-English dictionary > قذف

  • 13 أقحم

    أقْحَمَ (في)
    to insert, introduce, interpolate, intercalate, interject, intrude, set in, put in, enter, thrust, infix, drive in, stick in, work in, intromit; to push into, hurl into, drag into, involve in, implicate in; to force, plunge, push, cram, wedge, squeeze, press

    Arabic-English new dictionary > أقحم

  • 14 crash

    1. noun
    1) a noise as of heavy things breaking or falling on something hard:

    I heard a crash, and looked round to see that he'd dropped all the plates.

    صَوتُ التَّصادُم
    2) a collision:

    There was a crash involving three cars.


    the Wall Street crash.

    إنهِيار، إفْـلاس
    4) a sudden failure of a computer:

    A computer crash is very costly.

    2. verb
    1) to (cause to) fall with a loud noise:

    The glass crashed to the floor.

    يَتَحَطَّـم، يَنْكَسـر
    2) to drive or be driven violently (against, into):

    His car crashed into a wall.

    يَصْطَدم بِقُوّه، يبعَج
    3) (of aircraft) to land or be landed in such a way as to be damaged or destroyed:

    His plane crashed in the mountains.

    يتَحَطَّم، تَسْقُط الطائره
    4) (of a business) to fail.
    5) to force one's way noisily (through, into):

    He crashed through the undergrowth.

    يَشُقُّ طَريقَه بضجَّـةِ
    6) (of a computer) to stop working suddenly:

    If the computer crashes, we may lose all our files.

    3. adjective
    rapid and concentrated:

    a crash course in computer technology.

    سَريع ومُرَكَّـز

    Arabic-English dictionary > crash

  • 15 belch

    قَذَفَ \ belch: (of a chimney, etc.) to send out (smoke, flames) with great force. chuck: to throw. drive, (drove, driven): to strike (a ball, a nail, etc.) with force: I drove a nail into the door. emit: to send out (heat, light, smell, sound, etc.). hurl: throw violently. pitch: to throw with a sudden sharp movement: My horse pitched me off its back. project: to throw (a beam of light, a shadow, a modern weapon into space, etc.). slander: to say sth. slanderous about sb.. throw, (threw, thrown): to send through the air, by the force of one’s hand: She threw a ball. toss: to throw with a sharp movement: He tossed the ball over the fence. My horse tossed me into the stream. \ See Also رمى (رَمَى)، طرح (طَرَحَ)، ذم (ذَمَّ)‏

    Arabic-English glossary > belch

  • 16 chuck

    قَذَفَ \ belch: (of a chimney, etc.) to send out (smoke, flames) with great force. chuck: to throw. drive, (drove, driven): to strike (a ball, a nail, etc.) with force: I drove a nail into the door. emit: to send out (heat, light, smell, sound, etc.). hurl: throw violently. pitch: to throw with a sudden sharp movement: My horse pitched me off its back. project: to throw (a beam of light, a shadow, a modern weapon into space, etc.). slander: to say sth. slanderous about sb.. throw, (threw, thrown): to send through the air, by the force of one’s hand: She threw a ball. toss: to throw with a sharp movement: He tossed the ball over the fence. My horse tossed me into the stream. \ See Also رمى (رَمَى)، طرح (طَرَحَ)، ذم (ذَمَّ)‏

    Arabic-English glossary > chuck

  • 17 emit

    قَذَفَ \ belch: (of a chimney, etc.) to send out (smoke, flames) with great force. chuck: to throw. drive, (drove, driven): to strike (a ball, a nail, etc.) with force: I drove a nail into the door. emit: to send out (heat, light, smell, sound, etc.). hurl: throw violently. pitch: to throw with a sudden sharp movement: My horse pitched me off its back. project: to throw (a beam of light, a shadow, a modern weapon into space, etc.). slander: to say sth. slanderous about sb.. throw, (threw, thrown): to send through the air, by the force of one’s hand: She threw a ball. toss: to throw with a sharp movement: He tossed the ball over the fence. My horse tossed me into the stream. \ See Also رمى (رَمَى)، طرح (طَرَحَ)، ذم (ذَمَّ)‏

    Arabic-English glossary > emit

  • 18 hurl

    قَذَفَ \ belch: (of a chimney, etc.) to send out (smoke, flames) with great force. chuck: to throw. drive, (drove, driven): to strike (a ball, a nail, etc.) with force: I drove a nail into the door. emit: to send out (heat, light, smell, sound, etc.). hurl: throw violently. pitch: to throw with a sudden sharp movement: My horse pitched me off its back. project: to throw (a beam of light, a shadow, a modern weapon into space, etc.). slander: to say sth. slanderous about sb.. throw, (threw, thrown): to send through the air, by the force of one’s hand: She threw a ball. toss: to throw with a sharp movement: He tossed the ball over the fence. My horse tossed me into the stream. \ See Also رمى (رَمَى)، طرح (طَرَحَ)، ذم (ذَمَّ)‏

    Arabic-English glossary > hurl

  • 19 pitch

    قَذَفَ \ belch: (of a chimney, etc.) to send out (smoke, flames) with great force. chuck: to throw. drive, (drove, driven): to strike (a ball, a nail, etc.) with force: I drove a nail into the door. emit: to send out (heat, light, smell, sound, etc.). hurl: throw violently. pitch: to throw with a sudden sharp movement: My horse pitched me off its back. project: to throw (a beam of light, a shadow, a modern weapon into space, etc.). slander: to say sth. slanderous about sb.. throw, (threw, thrown): to send through the air, by the force of one’s hand: She threw a ball. toss: to throw with a sharp movement: He tossed the ball over the fence. My horse tossed me into the stream. \ See Also رمى (رَمَى)، طرح (طَرَحَ)، ذم (ذَمَّ)‏

    Arabic-English glossary > pitch

  • 20 project

    قَذَفَ \ belch: (of a chimney, etc.) to send out (smoke, flames) with great force. chuck: to throw. drive, (drove, driven): to strike (a ball, a nail, etc.) with force: I drove a nail into the door. emit: to send out (heat, light, smell, sound, etc.). hurl: throw violently. pitch: to throw with a sudden sharp movement: My horse pitched me off its back. project: to throw (a beam of light, a shadow, a modern weapon into space, etc.). slander: to say sth. slanderous about sb.. throw, (threw, thrown): to send through the air, by the force of one’s hand: She threw a ball. toss: to throw with a sharp movement: He tossed the ball over the fence. My horse tossed me into the stream. \ See Also رمى (رَمَى)، طرح (طَرَحَ)، ذم (ذَمَّ)‏

    Arabic-English glossary > project

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  • drive — drive1 W1S1 [draıv] v past tense drove [drəuv US drouv] past participle driven [ˈdrıvən] ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1¦(vehicle)¦ 2¦(make somebody move)¦ 3¦(make somebody do something)¦ 4¦(make somebody/something be in a bad state)¦ 5¦(hit/push something into… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

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